Having an interest in FEA applications, I contacted Prof. Sudip B., currently working as a Vehicle Crashworthiness Engineer at Ford Motor Company. I am very grateful to him for taking the time out to find an interesting and challenging project for me to pursue. The steering knuckle is one of the most important parts of the modern vehicle. It connects the steering, suspension & brake system to the automotive chassis and the wheel. The top two mounts are for the Strut connection, the two at the back are for the brake mount, the lower one for the Lower Control Arms, and the last one for the steering system. I assumed that the load per wheel of the vehicle is 200kg and considered Lateral force (=3*Acceleration due to gravity(G)), Bump force (3G), Brake Force (3G) and Moment (1.5G). Step 1 : Model the Steering Knuckle I followed this tutorial on YouTube to make the Steering Knuckle file. Here's a rendered image of the final Part File. Steering Knuckle Render Steering Knuckle D...
During my job search, I had applied for a CAD Designer position at CF&D (Custom Fireplace Design) in Burlington, as part of the recruitment process, I was asked to create an instruction manual for the assembly of a Swingset. The manual was made on May 24/2020 and it was successful in taking me to the final interview round at CF&D where I was extended a job offer. Unfortunately, I had to decline the offer due to remuneration being less than expected and what I was making at the time. This manual, however, did bring an opportunity for me to showcase my Solidworks skills and was good practice for me in creating part files and their assembly. Please click on this link to be redirected to open the instruction manual file that I have uploaded to my google drive folder.