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FEA Analysis of a Steering Knuckle

Having an interest in FEA applications, I contacted Prof. Sudip B., currently working as a Vehicle Crashworthiness Engineer at Ford Motor Company. I am very grateful to him for taking the time out to find an interesting and challenging project for me to pursue.  The steering knuckle is one of the most important parts of the modern vehicle. It connects the steering, suspension & brake system to the automotive chassis and the wheel. The top two mounts are for the Strut connection, the two at the back are for the brake mount, the lower one for the Lower Control Arms, and the last one for the steering system. I assumed that the load per wheel of the vehicle is 200kg and considered Lateral force (=3*Acceleration due to gravity(G)), Bump force (3G), Brake Force (3G) and Moment (1.5G). Step 1 : Model the Steering Knuckle I followed this tutorial on YouTube to make the Steering Knuckle file. Here's a rendered image of the final Part File. Steering Knuckle Render Steering Knuckle D...
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Instruction Manual for a Swingset Assembly

During my job search, I had applied for a CAD Designer position at CF&D (Custom Fireplace Design) in Burlington, as part of the recruitment process, I was asked to create an instruction manual for the assembly of a Swingset. The manual was made on May 24/2020 and it was successful in taking me to the final interview round at CF&D where I was extended a job offer. Unfortunately, I had to decline the offer due to remuneration being less than expected and what I was making at the time. This manual, however, did bring an opportunity for me to showcase my Solidworks skills and was good practice for me in creating part files and their assembly. Please click on this link to be redirected to open the instruction manual file that I have uploaded to my google drive folder.

Ricardo Wave Simulation for single cylinder SI engine

Key points: Our goal was to evaluate the performance of a single cylinder SI (spark-ignition) engine based on the following parameters: 1) Injection Timing, 2) Compression Ratio, 3) Engine load and 4) Volumetric Efficiency Screenshot from Ricardo Wave for a single cylinder SI engine model Step 1 - The following parameters were set from Wave Solver: 1) Compression Ratio - 18:1 2) Engine nominal speed - 2000 rpm 3) Fuel flow rate - 1 kg/hr 4) Intake pressure - 1.3 bar abs. 5) Injection Duration - 7 degree CA (Crank Angle) 6) BMEP (Brake Mean Effective Pressure) - 0 bar 7) Lambda (Excess air ratio) - 8.65 Screenshot from Ricardo Wave indicating the input parameters Step 2 - Using the sweep function, injection timing was swept over engine speed range. Here's a link to the final report which includes all the outputs.  ( Learning outcomes from this project: 1) As the engine speed...


Deadpool ! Problem Statement: Create a bot that would win the competition by either immobilizing the other bots or throwing the opponent bot out of the arena Constraints:  * Dimensions - must fit in a box of 750*750*1000mm. Maximum weight - 60kg (including pneumatic/hydraulic source and batteries) * No projectiles, EMP shocks or harmful chemicals * No running compressors. * Battery and electronics if packaged within the bot needed to be protected from direct hits. (Here's a link to the official rule list - Design process: Between the different types of bots, it was clear that a single extrude drummer bot would have the best chance of winning the competition and it turned out that was the case with the Blanka Botz winning the competition. Their professional approach to the competition along with a larger team and budget aided to their success. The AmpFlo motor that was utilized b...


Welcome to the blog! Having graduated school with considerable experiences outside of the classroom, I felt a need to have a place to showcase the projects that I have been involved in. I strive to define the problem statement, engineering approach and principles used and knowledge gained. Here's a list of few of upcoming projects: 1) Robowars - Wedge bot with a pneumatic lifter that took part in the Robowars competition, 2) Steel space frame chassis - Designed and built for FSAE Supra (India) competition, 3) Seminar on composites used in the automotive industry. This one's all words and theory and numbers stuff. 4) Fiberglass bodywork for FSAE vehicle - This one's interesting because it started out very ambitiously and ended up being rather mundane but there were good learning opportunities form this one thanks to interactions with many suppliers and PhD. candidates! The following are projects during my post-graduate education: 5) Model based design analys...