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Welcome to the blog!

Having graduated school with considerable experiences outside of the classroom, I felt a need to have a place to showcase the projects that I have been involved in. I strive to define the problem statement, engineering approach and principles used and knowledge gained.

Here's a list of few of upcoming projects:

1) Robowars - Wedge bot with a pneumatic lifter that took part in the Robowars competition,

2) Steel space frame chassis - Designed and built for FSAE Supra (India) competition,

3) Seminar on composites used in the automotive industry. This one's all words and theory and numbers stuff.

4) Fiberglass bodywork for FSAE vehicle - This one's interesting because it started out very ambitiously and ended up being rather mundane but there were good learning opportunities form this one thanks to interactions with many suppliers and PhD. candidates!

The following are projects during my post-graduate education:

5) Model based design analysis of electric powertrain

6) Generation of component noise from electric vehicles

7) Using Star-CCM+ for performing CFD on bluff body and streamlined body

8) Electric vehicle battery pack heat analysis & management

9) Bumper-beam analysis using Hypermesh and Abaqus CAE

10) Ricardo Wave simulation for a single cylinder SI engine
